florencia lozano

Westport Country Playhouse debut. Other regional theater: Spindle Shuttle Needle (Clubbed Thumb) Rinse, Repeat (Teatro de autor), Devil of Choice (LAByrinth Theater Company) And She Would Stand Like This (Movement Theatre Company), and Winners (Ensemble Studio Theatre). LAByrinth Theater Company member and literary manager. EST member. Her play underneathmybed was produced at Rattlestick Playwrights’ Theatre in 2010 and won the Hispanic Organization of Latino Actors’ Best New Play Award. Television: “Keep Breathing” and “Narcos” on Netflix; Tea Delgado on “One Life to Live;” “The Baker and the Beauty,” “Gossip Girl,” “Bluebloods,” “Ugly Betty,” “Law & Order: SVU” and Law & Order: Criminal Intent”, “Madame Secretary,” “Kevin Can Wait,” “The Blacklist,” and “Enemy Within.” Lozano recently co-wrote, produced, and starred in film: Life After You (available on iTunes, Amazon, etc.) Upcoming film: Crybaby Ridge.

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